EP Mortgage Services

EP Mortgage Services

Connect & Invite Bundle

$997.00 per month
Price incl. Sales tax (7%) $65.22
Subscription product
Once you subscribe, you can start to utilize the services. Your account will auto refill every month. You can easily manage your subscription or cancel it anytime with no additional charges
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Product Details

Includes all of Connect plus:

  • 2 Hours of Daily Invites: Our team will work on nurturing relationships with your contacts by inviting them to take action—joining lead magnets, communities, workshops, or scheduling calls. Think of this as planting seeds, where each invitation is a chance to engage and convert.

Courses & Resources You’ll Receive:

To complement your network-building process, you’ll have access to focused courses that reinforce each step:

  • Connect Essentials Course: A walkthrough of building quality connections online, covering strategies for identifying, researching, and initiating contact with ideal prospects.
  • Invite Mastery: Learn best practices for warm outreach—inviting contacts to lead magnets, workshops, discovery calls, or joint ventures.
  • Content that Converts: This course covers creating value-driven content that builds trust, educates, and prompts actions in your referral partners and clients.

These programs provide both strategy and practical steps, so you know exactly what to say and how to stay memorable.

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Connect & Invite Bundle
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